FATAL-V® is organic approved power organic fertilizer to control all type of viruses on all types of crop. FATAL-V® built immunity of the plant to fight against the virus. Which is combination of various natural organic matters, various plant extracts and animal extracts.
All types of living organisms including animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria are hosts for viruses, but most viruses infect only one type of host. Viruses cause many important plant diseases and are responsible for losses in crop yield and quality in all parts of the world.
The age of the plant at the time of infection can be a critical factor in determining symptom expression. In general, the younger the plants the more it is susceptible to virus infection and very old leaves or old plants are usually relatively resistance to infections.
Typical leaf symptoms of viral diseases include mosaic patterns, ring spots, yellowing, stripes or streaks vein clearing, vein banding, and leaf rolling and curling.
Most of the symptoms induced by viruses can also occur due to adverse environmental conditions or diseases caused by other plant pathogens.
FATAL-V® delivers following advantages in plant:
Improves Plant Resistance against Virus Infections.
Act as Anti-Curl for Vegetables and Other Crops.
Protect plant from Root Infections.
Provide Alkaloids required to fight against Viral Infections.
Best to apply at all stages of plant from nursery to harvesting.
FATAL-V® can be used on grain crops, vegetable, fruit crops, Lawns, turf, floriculture, ornamental plants. Can be mixed with other for foliar spray products and soil application products. Can be spray as well as can be applied to soil by drip irrigation, fertigation system or drenching.
FATAL-V® can be used on grain crops, vegetable, fruit crops, Lawns, turf, floriculture, ornamental plants. Can be mixed with other for foliar spray products and soil application products. Can be spray as well as can be applied to soil by drip irrigation, fertigation system or drenching.
FATAL-V® can be used on grain crops, vegetable, fruit crops, Lawns, turf, floriculture, ornamental plants. Can be mixed with other for foliar spray products and soil application products. Can be spray as well as can be applied to soil by drip irrigation, fertigation system or drenching.